Monday, January 15, 2024

Is Faith Enough to be Redemptive?

In a world that is unkind to the poverty stricken perhaps my own family could be held up as the object of Hitler's cruel world magnified, emboldened by the existence of Trump, who if he only knew would decry, your family is the surplus robbing us of the benefits that the privilege few may enjoy. Only the privileged should exist as you are the burden on society.

I have never witnessed a crueler time in society, such as, with Netanyahu killing the Palestinians in Gaza when it is a small sect, Hamas, that attacked Israel. I am not dismissing the 4,000 that were killed in Israel; however, I view the response as excessive, 20,000 killed and White Phosphorus being used by Israel to further induce pain.

Trump is much like Netanyahu in being a dictator and let us not forget Putin is in that same category as well as Xi. So, what has all of this to do with my family? Both of my parents had mental illness. All of my brothers have had at least one bout. As for our children, the illness is rampant. Now my little grandson is said to be developmentally delayed. In Trump's world, like Scrooge in Dickens' novella prior to Scrooge's reformation, those that do not contribute to the traditional workforce are expendable and thus forgotten while rendered to a life of poverty.

Is this my plight, no but for an aunt who looked after my welfare. My plea is for not only my family, but for others who are disabled.

How do we value a smile? How do we care for our young? Today, society under the capitalist system does not value our disabled. More than likely, if one is disabled, that person will be rendered to a life of poverty. I want to write a novel on this topic that will be as moving as Charles Dickens' stories, but without all the adjectives.

I have experience with the orphanage for ten years and the fall of orphanages throughout the nation. I need to write the story from a child's perspective. I want to write about the mental institutions and how this is also a failure in society from a teen's perspective to an adult perspective.

I will be visiting these topics in books I hope to write. From time to time, I will update you through my blog.

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