A little boy made his way to Heaven
It was only then he discovered he was a man--
Father, he asked, why on earth was I given the brain of a child?
You see there are many things to test man on earth
You were given a huge purpose
To help man understand the significance of life
Sometimes you felt his harsh tones of discrimination
But, I was always there with you
When the world denied you entry
I opened my door
Man can be consumed with how much he is to earn
You were there to serve me
Man doesn't always observe the impact of the simple things
Your smile opened many hearts.
Yes, Father, the boy replied, but why did you choose me?
Why not choose you, the Father replied.
Man makes choices in life
Your parents chose to have you
What a great honor to Me
Your parents valued life.
Some say I occupied space, the boy told the Father
Everyone occupies space the Father responded
Who is to say one's use of space is more significant than another?
It is how one responds to that use of space that is significant
Every droplet contains its own elements
The elements are derived from every component within the universe
The place where the droplet falls is uniquely impacted
Every man that enters the universe is flawed differently
When placed in the company of others, those deficiencies are less apparent
For every life form there is a specific complement
One which strengthens the other
In life there seemed much chaos
There is order to chaos
Learning to swim upstream is every man's challenge
From the inception, life is a navigational course
To enhance the character of man
When one comes to Heaven's door, life will have taken many turns
Some see more straight lines others negotiate curves
Humbleness of heart
Patience in servitude
Grace and understanding
The things which I bore on the cross
You experienced in life
Now that you are here with Me
Cast your eyes upon the world
And view the impact your life has had
You're the dove that carried my song to the world
Bless you son, your work was well done!
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