Thursday, January 18, 2018


I completed an open letter on hope to those who may need a little inspiration to carry on.  I have decided that I will add letters to this format including confidence and other topics of encouragement.  My desire is to have a completed book by the end of my topic explanations and that I will have discovered an audience for these topics, which may lead to speaking engagements, but at this time I am not sure how that will happen.  I want to motivate others to continue their journey in life with happiness at the center of their core.

No matter how difficult life becomes, Never Give-up.  My desire when you read this is you will feel hope and that my life can serve as an inspiration to you.  Reading can be very difficult if you are blue, so I will try not to make this too long.  As a two year old to twelve, I grew up in an orphanage.  I have seen many institutions for too many years.

If you are my children reading this, I want you to know how much I love you.  This is as much a letter to you as to all the young people in the family.  I am also addressing this for those who are not related to me, but who need a voice to help in challenging mental illness. Mental illness can be frustrating, but you can do so much despite the illness.  Society can make you feel like you are a burden on the tax system, but whatever gifts you have been given whether it be singing, drawing, sewing, writing or if you forget your gifts for a time; just do the best you can.

Life is full of hills (sometimes mountains) and valleys, but once you learn how to navigate these situations, life becomes easier.  For some of us including myself, I did not learn how to handle things the best, but I eventually learned how to fight back even in the depths of despair.

Having hope can sometimes seem impossible when life itself seems insurmountable.  Hope can seem intangible at times, but when life has given you a burden one has to figure out the way to manage that burden so it does not kill the very life you have been given.

As I mentioned earlier, I was raised in an orphanage as both of my parents had mental illness.  I have spent time in many mental institutions and a couple of group homes, but now I live in an apartment.  I was married for over twenty years and have two beautiful children that I am proud of.  They have faced their own challenges, but I have learned that they are living their own lives.  Their choices are their responsibilities.

No one wants an illness let alone one that may not be visible to the naked eye.  We with mental illness are in the midst of society.  Unfortunately, the media tends to focus on those with mental illness who do wrong things.

There are many people like you and me who may not have done anything wrong, but we are hospitalized because the challenges in life may seem too much.  It is to you that I am speaking, never ever allow the illness whatever illness you have, do not let it define who you are.  Even if you have had trouble with the law, use the experience as a learning curve.

You are that unique raindrop in society.  I love Dr. Norman Vincent Peale's writings and Reverend Robert H. Schuller.  The Power of Positive Thinking, by Dr. Peale is an excellent resource as is Rev. Schuller's, Tough Times Never Last, but Tough People Do.  If you are not religious that is perfectly fine.  You are you, as I said before:  a being with a unique purpose.  I will limit the religious angle to one paragraph, but I hope you will read this one paragraph.  I also read the book, A Purpose Driven Life, by Reverend Rick Warren.  The one thing I understood very well is that each of us has purpose, but we need to define that purpose.  Discover who you are and what you want to become.  For me that is becoming a whole person again being comfortable in my own skin with my short-comings.  Writing is my natural gift and I don't have to give it up just because I am not currently doing it professionally.

Each of us has to grow-up and for some of us that is hard, especially if you have been institutionalized too much.  The system can become a crutch.  Discovering who you are takes time and sometimes lots of therapy, but I believe as long as you are trying, then success will come your way.  I went to school for English, language and literature although this was not necessarily my best subject, but it was one I loved.  I practice every day, and I enjoy being critiqued even if it is negative because I can learn from the experience.

I was not always so hopeful.  I am fifty-four years old and it has taken me a long time to be my own person.  I am still working at each day.  I volunteer at The Disability Network in Flint, Michigan and I am using the experience to better my office skills and to give back to society.

Hope can seem elusive at times, but every second that passes is a new opportunity for success.  I accidentally made a mistake with my checking account.  In the past making that mistake would probably have put me in turmoil.  This time; however, I spoke with the office and since I had never made the mistake before on my rent.  They worked with me to rectify the situation.  As I get older, I realize my memory is not what it used to be, but I can take notes--and I do.

Hope is something every individual in society needs in order to survive very difficult situations whether you have mental illness or some other medical condition or you are just trying to live your life.

How do you have hope in the midst of despair?  Doing daily tasks like making the bed or doing the dishes or some other routine can help you facing the doldrums because you have accomplished something.  Staying in bed can seem like the best solution at times, but it is not.  The longer you stay in bed the more difficult getting up can be.

We have to have self talk, that voice inside us that says, "move forward things are going to be okay."  I am discovering hope in the midst of a cold winter's blast, but I am making myself do things, which take me outdoors like going to the grocery store.  it would be easy to stay inside and hop back in bed.  Naturally, if it was not necessary to go outside and the weather was too inclement, I would want you to use your best judgment.

Having hope is something that got me through difficult stays at the mental hospital and being stubborn wasn't all bad.  When I was at the group homes paying rent that was outrageous, I was given hope when it was suggested maybe I could move to my own apartment.

When I moved, I wasn't exactly sure how everything would work-out.  I bought a sleeping bag to sleep on the floor and a bag of groceries to get through the week.  My family and in-laws helped me with furniture and a bed a couple of weeks later.

Today I have a boyfriend, and I have been renting for four years, and I have a car.  Think about what your hope could be and how you are going to achieve that goal.  I believe if you put your mind to it, no matter how difficult the situation, you can achieve your goal, but first you must believe in yourself and that can be one of the hardest things.  If you are reading this, know that I believe you are making that first step to help yourself because otherwise you would have stopped reading a long time ago.  Envisioning your accomplishment can be so challenging, but you can do it.  Come on dream with me and I will dream with you.  I believe you are a whole person who just needs a little mending.  Don't be afraid to reach out for help, I did.  Success is in believing and you too can have that success.  Have hope, it is the greatest gift to yourself.