Friday, September 12, 2014

Cultural Crossings

Cultural Crossings
By Madeleine Graham
Let the customs of the age be reflected on the stage
Let them understand the bow the nod
Why he walks ahead and she walks behind
And understand the curtsy now
The blend of color and of creed
Oh let them all please agree
As they pass upon the street
Of timeless wisdom they will observe
The elders teaching in song and dance
Of stories told through time
When lives are reconciled as grayness befalls each
The things that seemed important are no longer so
Let the children know
Why courtesy is a way of life
Preventing anger and strife
If only each of us could see
Our brothers own humanity
And present the torch unto our young
Generations must carry on
Remove the hatred born of war
Scarred lives tender souls
Hands that cross the great divide
Need a healer from the sky
If we look into our brother's eyes
And see our own image
Then never a weapon born by I
For the mirror is a timeless passage
Beat the drum the echo is from the past
Voices that share the heartache once known as theirs
Woman with child
Beaten while in exile
Auschwitz horrors still resound
But peace requires the quilted patch
Sewn through tears given in love
Orphans of new wars need not be
If we could all simply agree
The children must see they are our future
The waters that bridge this great divide
Need a healer with prophetic eyes
We are the molders of their beliefs
If we teach hate
Callous hearts will walk the streets
If we teach love in troubled times
Even when pain has come to our abode
Then a moral compass will guide the children home
If we see ourselves void of color and of creed
Then truly we our free
Blood that flows through our veins
The branch between past and present
Blood brothers and sisters are we
Faith requires forgiveness
If we left our money at the bankers door
Saw our fellow man in his struggle
Shared what we had to offer
Neighbors would no longer be strangers
Understanding requires listening
Skills come in so many forms
Hunger knows no color no creed
War ravages and leaves so many on desperate knees
If we move into a barbaric state then we've but sealed our own fate
Communicating is the greatest challenge faced by every being
Words can be as a quick draw of a gun
Or the balm that soothes the soul
If we expect another to lower his weapon
Should we not be expected to bow ours as well
The nod of accord signaled in unison
Requires fear be left aside
Respect becomes the norm
And is taught to our young

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